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Powerful Ruqyah to Remove and Destroy Black Magic

  محيط البوك Subject

القسم الاسلامي علوم القرآن والحديث والفقه

  Powerful Ruqyah to Remove and Destroy Black Magic     


writer: Abou Aya    


 Visitors : 2216 |  Date : 2020-11-12



Roqyah magic voice


Powerful Ruqyah to Remove and Destroy Black Magic

This legal spell is devoted to magic, touching the jinn is destructive, burning, and repelling the jinn, God Almighty willing.

From here, you know that the jinn seemed to be affected, interacting, and feeling suffocated and burning magic. My dear brother, my dear sister, must endure and continue to listen until you feel light and comfortable,

or stop those movements and leave, God willing, if something remains, it is possible to repeat the hearing of ruqyah two or three times a day and God willing, it will not Any jinn will bear steadfastness and stay in the flesh with the word of God, and he will come out with a blame and trampled, God willing.

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